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buon natale in russo
           воскресенье 27 июль 2024

Наркотиками и СПИДом

loНаркотиками и СПИДом
это Книга В семье это для наших детей, знать лучше С Ближнего Thing сделать для недопущения въезда в туннель Из наркотиками является Дайте Инструмент Слушания И предупреждению их Родителей Для этой Великой Игре Это много Семьи Сделано недовольной. В книге есть мнения кmoglie.jpegардиологи, в налоговой врачей и экспертов S.E.R.T, которые касаются предотвращения и увы также патологические стороны, когда они вступают в никуда от НАРКОТИКИ. Линейное чтение с понятной простым доступным языком все мальчики из семей научных секторах.
Для книг Момент является "Письменные В Италии следующие издания будет быть на английском, французском и испанском языках Экономическая Из книги


Vedi Curiculum Di Angela Giarratana

DIE KREUZZÜGE, Templari oder Reiter des Tempels,

Doktorin Patrizia Pepe
Erwirbt in der Akademie schöne Künste einen Hochschulabschluß, ich verkupfere Verzierungen












Author:   Giusmar Cassaro,  DJsm, MA.

It is amazing how things sometimes work on their own way and how they can plunge an innocent bystander into unbelievable minutes of anguish!  Fear was in fact  what Shamwalea felt in front of this unreal scene which all of a sudden materialised in front of her astonished eyes!

I’ll go back to some years ago  and I’ll try to give you a chronological report of what happened to her.

In the first place you would most certainly like to know who Shamwalea is, wouldn’t you?
Well, well! I am just here to satisfy your curiosity!
She is a pretty 27 year old African girl who arrived in Sicily among thousands of other boat people leaving their northern African countries. She was found and saved one sunny day, floating in the sea, along the coast of southern Sicily.  A Navy helicopter had followed the boat for quite a while, until it capsized and all the occupants  plunged into the water. There were about forty of them, mostly women and children.  Fortunately, two Coast Guard vessels were already nearby and all of them were brought on board safely.

All this happened almost three years ago. Now she lives in a cosy and tidy rented flat  in a small town in the province of  Agrigento and she is quite happy about it. She works as a coffee attendant in “La Putia di lu Zi Tanu” (a Coffee Shop) during the mornings, serving “caffè espresso”, “cornetti” and “cappuccino”, and helping families in cleaning their homes in the afternoons.
And it was in one of this usual mornings, while she was walking to work,  that  it all happened.  It was around four o’clock. Roads were wet as it had been raining the whole night and it was still cloudy. She had to cross a country path before entering the main road leading into town.  Suddenly, while she was walking, she was flashed   by an impressive stroke of lightning.  She waited for the thunder but no sound was heard.  Then she felt as though a strong telepathic force was trying to stop her. She did stop, in fact! She turned around slowly, her heart beating in fear. She saw a bright reddish creature inside a metallic looking diamond shaped  object, at about forty metres from her. She felt fear and anguish for her life.  She didn’t have time to think further because a beam of red light  from inside of what looked like a space craft, hit her on the forehead. In that precise moment, she felt as though her body  was dipped in warm water.  She suddenly felt calm, relaxed, in communion with the  Earth and with the entire Universe. For a sparkle of time she understood the mystery of life and death, of time and space! She saw herself projected into another dimension, a dimension of harmony and beauty,  of living light creatures of whom she was part. Love and wisdom filled her m


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