From 12 to 17 October that
was a course on KLT(Karhunen Loève Trasform), a scientific argument as
useful soon as complicate to expose. Living out explanation of KLT, I
want instead speck about person that I know and with I compared on
scientific and imaginary argument: For scientist the E.T. is existing?
If you saw the film “Contact” where the E.T. contacted the human with
radio-signals, certainly you know that this was usual fantastic film and
that is all imaginary. After spoke with Prof. Claudio Maccone
(physicist) and Stelio Montebugnoli (radioastronomic observatory of
Medicina), I know with surprise that actually that film is not all
fantastic. If you remember the woman interpreted by Jodie Foster that
spent days inside where are 350 aerial antennas of 6 metres of diameter,
well not only this place is real (Allen Telescope Array), but also the
woman is real, her name is Jill Tarter (next picture),
has 62 years hold and spending her life for the search of
extraterrestrial signals. She, with others scientist founded the S.E.T.I.@HOME
(Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence at Home),where analysing
signal getting from universe for search of artificial signal coming from
the other world. For the great consistence of acquired date the SETI@HOME,
invite other person to analyse free a part of this signals and in this
way, the SETI exploiting the distribute net of computer in the world.
Till now anything picked up an artificial signal, only one time where
picked up the WAU signal but after control this was terrestrial
interference. But like the film, you imagine that we receive an
extraterrestrial signal, what do you do? Have you fear? Do you prepare
weapons? Certainly the news did the round of world with few seconds, but
are we ready to know other living being? The hardworking don’t know to
give answer to all of this question because we are too accustomed
to stay only in the universe that we don’t imagine this “Martian” among
us. I don ’t know if we are very accustomed or egoist, because if we
aren’t the only in the universe we lose the “exclusive” in the universe. In the scientific world when |
speak about SETI many scientist look you with half-open eyes and think
that you are raving on about like to say:“ We know that we are the only
in the universe, why do we search the other?”. I think that the reasons
of this scepticism is the fear of unknown and an influenced culture by
religion (any there are), that put blinkers to the person that be able
to do a progress for our comfort and don ’t give on the his ideas, for
this reasons since some years the SETI is founded by private because is
thought very useless by USA therefore is not finance. In Italy, that is
only site where are a parabolic aerial of 32 metres of diameter and a
group of radiotelescope called “The north cross” where to be able to do
SETI, but we remember that in Italy that is the Vatican and don’t have
the money to finance the SETI, therefore the north cross is used very
low for the search of extraterrestrial in short if E.T. is existing
really must be his interest put him in contact with us because we don’t
search him.
Chieffalo Vincenzo
It had hardly closet to
Caltanissetta nearby l’I.T.I. Mottura the 2° Festival of Science and
Technique, annual appointment where anyone can approach to wonderful
world of science and, in particular in this year, of radioastronomy.
This year the festival is equipped by III Congress of amateur radioastronomy
where the Prof. Claudio Maccone (in the picture), international
Salvatore Pluchino and
Mario Sandri, founders of I.A.R.A. group that develop and spread the
amateur radioastronomy. The ITI Mottura want to give this congress
because it is the first institute in Italy that have a aerial and a
system for the capture of signals in the range of VLF(very low
frequency), this signals come from radiosources as the sun and the moon.
Award of the merit give to Prof. M. Fiorino(in the left of the picture)
to the other teacher, but also to headmaster Vizzini that found spaces
and economy resource for the best success of the festival and for the
payment of the radioamateur instrument.
Vincenzo Chieffalo